GLS Administrative Retreat
Thank you video!
Go Round Question...Why did you get into education?
Retreat agenda overview
Nobody Wants to be a Principal (Nickelback Song)
Go Round Question...Why did you get into education?
Retreat agenda overview
Nobody Wants to be a Principal (Nickelback Song)
Reflecting on the past year and planning for the 2021-22 school year
(Memory Wall)
Hello from the Inside (Chris Mann)
Pandemic Parody Songs
Disney Songs during Quarantine (The Holderness Family)
Sweet Caroline COVID Edition (Neil Diamond)
Adam Sandler Quarantine Song
Halls of Silence (Shane Ehresman)
Pandemic Parody Songs
Disney Songs during Quarantine (The Holderness Family)
Sweet Caroline COVID Edition (Neil Diamond)
Adam Sandler Quarantine Song
Halls of Silence (Shane Ehresman)
- What were the biggest challenges? (pink)
- What did you learn about yourself? your organization? (yellow/orange)
- What went better than expected? (green)
Areas to consider: New learning, Community support, Parent communication, staff communication, student communication, online delivery, sanitation of the building, school sponsored activities, live streaming events, collaboration with local providers, online teaching and learning, leadership support, parent teacher conferences, school calendar, school lunch...
Next steps...What did we take away from last year that will make us even better next year? (GLS Follow-up in 6 months)
1 - Email to yourself
2 - Add actions steps/dates to your calendar
3 - Notes on your napkin
permission_to_innnovate_slides.pptx |
Team Building
(Advanced Insights)
Desired Outcome(s): Use the ADVanced Insights Inventory, that combines the best of three researched based world-class tools, to understand yourself and leverage your natural talents.
There are three different, yet intricately connected profiles: DISC (focuses on HOW a person responds to problems, people, pace of work, and procedures/precedents); Values Index (focuses on WHY a person does what they do and what are their motivators); and Attributes Index (in WHAT order a person thinks and processes). This combination of profiles is a powerful tool in understanding candidates prior to actually hiring them.
There are three different, yet intricately connected profiles: DISC (focuses on HOW a person responds to problems, people, pace of work, and procedures/precedents); Values Index (focuses on WHY a person does what they do and what are their motivators); and Attributes Index (in WHAT order a person thinks and processes). This combination of profiles is a powerful tool in understanding candidates prior to actually hiring them.
New PSEL Standards
SAI VIDEO: What's New with the New Standards?
SAI Google Site
SAI Google Site
- SAI Video overview
- Crosswalk between ISSL and PSEL Standards (Copy of Matter Graphic Organizer)
- Unpacking the new PSEL Standards (PowerPoint & Standard 8 Activity)
- Considering goal areas for the year (Reflection, District Goals, Other)
- Aligning personal goals to district goals (Building, District or Central Office)
Resources & Activities
TED Talk: Lets stop talking about diversity and start working towards equity (Paloma Medina)
TED Talk: How to raise kids that can overcome anxiety
We Are the World YouTube Video: Clarksville Elementary Students
Emerging Challenges of Distributed Leadership Simulation
Equity: Exploring Beneath the Surface Simulation
Cultural Competency Simulation
TED Talk: How to raise kids that can overcome anxiety
We Are the World YouTube Video: Clarksville Elementary Students
Emerging Challenges of Distributed Leadership Simulation
Equity: Exploring Beneath the Surface Simulation
Cultural Competency Simulation
Conclusion & Survey
TED Talk: Shawn Archer TED Talk with you titled Happy secrets to better work.
FINAL SURVEY (Personal & Reflection from the day) -